What Are The 5D's Of Digital Marketing?
What Are The 5D's Of Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing Technological advancement has brought about various changes in our lives. In today's world, it is common for people to rely on technology for everyday tasks. We can say that a new world of product that brings technology as an important and vital element. People are more comfortable using gadgets like smartphones, laptops and much more. Using a smartphone, they can use the internet freely. Even a student is accustomed to reading online. There are plenty of e-books, articles and reliable educational resources available online. In simple terms, digital marketing is a marketing strategy using electronic means. Unlike other advertising methods, it allows you to access and connect to a wide range of sites in a cost-effective way. That being said, it can be explained that digital marketing involves consumer engagement. This is where 5 D starts playing. Individually, they deal with different ways in which the audience commu...